Executing the installation scriptΒΆ

This is more complex than just extracting some files. You will have to implement all UI elements yourself.

Framework f = new Framework();
OMOD omod = new OMOD("path.omod", ref f);

string dataPath = omod.ExtractDataFiles();
string pluginsPath = omod.ExtractPlugins();

Start by extracting all files from the omod. You will need the location later on.

You will have to implement the IScriptRunnerFunctions yourself. You can create a class like

class ScriptFunctions : IScriptRunnerFunctions
    // implement all functions here

ScriptFunctions sFunc = new ScriptFunctions();

The ScriptRunner class, responsible for executing the script, requires those functions:

ScriptRunner sr = new ScriptRunner(ref omod, a);
// to executing the script:
ScriptReturnData srd = sr.ExecuteScript();